A Journey of Growth

The wind rustled the leaves outside my window, a restless sigh mirroring the turmoil within me. I’d been wrestling with Paul’s words to the Galatians, words that felt like a sharp sword dividing the whispers of my spirit from the clamor of my flesh. It was a battle as old as time, this tug-of-war between two opposing forces within us.

Remember that time when you were a child, and you really, really wanted that extra cookie? Your spirit, perhaps, whispered about sharing, about listening to your parents. But your flesh? Oh, your flesh screamed for that sugary delight, consequences be damned! We all know that feeling. It’s not just about cookies, of course. It’s about the choices we make every day.

Paul asks, “Who is winning the battle in your life?” The question hung in the air, heavy as a summer storm. I thought about my own struggles. The things I knew were wrong, the habits I wished I could shed like an old skin. That nagging voice, the one that told me I could do better, be better – that was my spirit, yearning for the light. But then there was the other voice, the one that whispered temptations, that justified my weaknesses – the voice of the flesh.

I tried to imagine what my life would be like without the Holy Spirit. The image that came to mind was frightening. It was a life without real joy, without caring for others, and without any sense of purpose. I felt like I would be lost and adrift, controlled by every selfish impulse and fleeting desire. Then, I pictured the opposite: a life where I was completely free from the negative influences of my own selfish nature. That vision was one of deep peace, unshakeable strength, and overflowing love and kindness. I knew that a perfect life like that might be impossible to achieve completely, but it gave me a powerful sense of what I should be aiming for.

Paul’s list of the flesh’s desires in Galatians – the immorality, the envy, the anger – it’s a sobering read. It’s easy to point fingers and say, “I would never…” But if we’re honest with ourselves, haven’t we all felt the pull of those dark currents at some point? And what about the desires Paul didn’t list? What about the subtle sins, the quiet compromises we make that chip away at our integrity? My own list was longer than I cared to admit.

But then, Paul turns the coin over, and the light shines through. The fruit of the Spirit – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. These aren’t just virtues to strive for; they are gifts from God, planted within us by the Holy Spirit.

I thought about the fruit I already possessed, however imperfectly. A flicker of kindness here, a moment of patience there. Which fruit was I best at? And which ones desperately needed tending? It was like looking at a garden, some plants thriving, others withered and weak.

Just as Paul reminds us in Romans, we are all gifted in different ways. Think of the body – each part has its function, and all are necessary. We’re all part of something bigger, each with unique talents and abilities. What were my gifts? And more importantly, how was I using them?

I’d heard the statistics, the heartbreaking numbers of young Christians who walk away from their faith. It’s a stark reminder that faith isn’t passive. It’s not something you can put on a shelf and forget about. It’s a living, breathing thing that needs to be nurtured. And one of the best ways to nurture it is to use our gifts, to serve others, to let the light of Christ shine through us. Because when we actively use our gifts, we not only bless others, but we also strengthen our own faith. We see the power of God at work, and we have a reason, a tangible reason, to believe.

The wind outside had died down. A sense of peace settled over me. The battle within might never be completely over, but I knew which side I wanted to fight on. And I knew that with the Spirit’s help, I could cultivate the fruit within me, and use my gifts to make a difference in the world. It’s a journey, not a destination. And it’s a journey worth taking.

In Conclusion:

The struggle between our spirit and our flesh is a lifelong journey, a dance between our higher selves and our baser instincts. It’s a journey marked by stumbles and setbacks, but also by moments of grace and growth. Don’t be discouraged by your imperfections. The important thing is to keep turning towards the light, to keep nurturing the fruit of the Spirit within you. Remember, these are gifts, freely given by God. He doesn’t expect perfection, only progress. Embrace the journey, celebrate the small victories, and trust in the power of the Spirit to guide you. You are not alone in this struggle. We all face it. And with faith, perseverance, and the support of community, we can all grow closer to the people we were created to be. Keep planting those seeds of kindness, love, and compassion. Your garden, and the world around you, will be richer for it.



  • Short & Sweet: A reflection on the internal struggle between spirit and flesh, exploring the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the journey of faith.
  • More Detailed: Josa explores the tension between the desires of the flesh and the whispers of the spirit, drawing on Paul’s words to the Galatians. Through personal reflection and biblical insights, she emphasizes the importance of cultivating the fruit of the Spirit, recognizing our unique gifts, and actively using them to strengthen our faith and impact the world. It’s a story of hope and encouragement for anyone navigating the challenges of living a Christian life.
  • Focused on Gifts: This story examines the gifts of the Holy Spirit and how they empower us in our daily struggles. Josa reflects on her own journey of faith, highlighting the importance of recognizing and using our gifts to serve others and grow closer to God.

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Josa Risen

Here, we believe in the power of God’s Word to bring hope, strength, and encouragement every day. Our mission is to uplift your spirit and deepen your faith through daily Bible verses, inspiring devotionals, and heartfelt prayers.

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